Workcover and Return to Work Issues

Workplace Psychological Support

Work Stress and WorkCover Psychology Support.

People experience stress in a variety of different ways. Work-related stress results when the demands of work exceeds resources for managing those demands.

Quite often, jobs will will involve some level of stress. When work stress becomes excessive or chronic, it can cause significant problems for an individual’s physical health, and increase the risk of anxiety and mood related problems.

Some issues that might contribute to stress at work include:

  • Factors specific to the job – such as poor physical conditions, safety issues, unrealistic deadlines, long hours, or an unmanageable workload
  • External stressors – such as a long commute to work, lack of sleep, grief/loss, separation / divorce, mental / physical illness or caring responsibilities.
  • Factors specific to the individual’s role in the organisation – such as confusion about responsibilities, poor job-person fit, poor time management, difficulties in managing separate or conflicting roles within an organisation (for example, that of supervisor and colleague), or uncertainty about the future of the organisation
  • Career development issues – such as being passed up for a promotion, or lack of job security
  • Relationship issues – such as poor support from supervisors, conflict with co-workers, harassment, discrimination or bullying
  • Problems with organisational structure / climate – such as low levels of perceived control over work tasks, over-supervision, lack of consultation on important issues, office politics, or budget problems, pressure to complete work tasks or check emails outside of normal work hours.


Our highly experienced team of psychologists work closely with patients to overcome stressful issues. We use a range of different methods for treating work stress including Cognitive therapy, time management, advice on how to seek collegial support within the workplace, Practicing assertive communication and problem-solving approaches, assessment and advice on lifestyle behaviours.


RWPsychology has a number of WorkCover approved clinicians, who are able to assist you under the WorkCover system. These clinicians are appropriately trained, and have a WorkCover approval number.

If you have suffered psychological injury in the workplace, you may be eligible to have your sessions paid for by WorkCover. To be eligible for WorkCover, you will require a referral from a GP or Psychiatrist and you must supply RWPsychology with a signed WorkCover medical certificate.

The treatment plan will need to stipulate that psychological services are required.

Contact Us For Help

For more information on Workcover and Return to Work Issues or to make an appointment, contact RWPsychology by phone on 02 7907 3964 or request a booking online.