Professional help for anger management and stress related issues.
Anger is something we all experience from time to time. It can be a useful emotion when it drives us to communicate assertively with somebody, particularly when they are disregarding our rights, needs and emotions. However, Anger can also be a problem, especially when it is expressed with verbal or physical aggression.
When you are angry, you may experience changes in your body. Often your heart rate and blood pressure rise, and over time can have a negative impact on your health.
Anger is a normal human emotion which is not a problem unless it is expressed in harmful ways. When people feel angry, they often display angry behaviour. This might include yelling, throwing things, criticising, ignoring, storming out or refusing to do something.
Expressing some of your anger in a controlled way gives you an opportunity to release some underlying feelings, so that you can start to tackle the issues making you angry.
Bottling up anger is never a good decision. It can manifest into other ways such as anxiety, depression or a psychosomatic sickness. RWPsychology provide professional anger management services for children and adults in Milperra. Our psychologists can help identify the root cause of the anger and help express your feelings and provide treatment to help deal with anger issues.
Acute Stress
Stress that lasts for a short period of time is known as Acute Stress. Common examples include sitting an exam, starting a new job, giving a speech, or being faced with a work deadline.
The body typically bounces back well from acute stress if the stress experienced is managed by the person. if the stress experienced is severe or presents a life-threatening situation, such as being the victim of an assault, for some people, such an acute stress can lead to significant mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder.
Chronic Stress
Stress that continues for a long period of time which does not go away is known as Chronic Stress. financial difficulties, social isolation and loneliness, relationship problems, chronic health problems, caring for someone with complex needs, overwork, bullying, or living in an unsafe environment can all contribute to chronic stress.
Symptoms of chronic stress include:
- Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, fatigue, sleep disturbance, insomnia, stomach upset, diarrhea, frequent headaches, muscular aches and pains, weakened immune system, high blood pressure
- Psychological symptoms such as worry, fear, anger, tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, helplessness, difficulties with concentration or memory, or feeling overwhelmed.
Our psychologists provide professional treatment of stress for children and adults in Milperra. Our psychologists can utilise a range of psychological methods to help identify the root cause of your stress and help overcome it. From relaxation based approaches to Cognitive Behavioural Stress Management and Stress inoculation training, our clinicians can help you get the help you need.
Contact Us For Help
For more information on therapy for Anger and Stress or to make an appointment, contact RWPsychology by phone on 02 7907 3964 or request a booking online.