Cancellation Policy

Appointment Cancellations

RWPsychology will be charge cancellation fees for less than 24hrs. RWPsychology is not in the practice of charging punitive cancellation charges to people who may be struggling, and we certainly understand that issues and emergencies arise. We do however, ask that you always try to notify us with as much notice as possible should you need to reschedule an appointment. We offer you an email confirmation of your booking by email at each appointment for your reference, and a text message 48hrs prior to ensure you have enough time to notify us of any issues.

In the event that you need to cancel your session with less than 24hrs notice, we will need to add a fee to your next payable invoice. This is not a punitive action, but a means to cover costs for holding your room and a clinician’s time for an hour. Rooms are always booked and held for you in advance, and the time is allocated for you and your family. Non attendance is not only an issue for the practice, but also prevents other families from accessing this appointment time.

Current Fees

48 Hours Notice – Nil fees charged

Less than 24hrs notice – $50 cancellation fee

Same day non attendance with no notice provided – 50% of the charged service fee.

Important Note

Should you cancel your appointment with less than 24hrs notice and we are able to rebook a patient in this time, NO Fees will be made payable to you.

We will try at all times to do our best to avoid charging these fees, and hope you will also try to give us as much notice as possible in return. All cases will be managed on a case by case basis, and would be best discussed with your clinician. We thank you for your support and understanding.

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